Unit Turn Over

Unit Turn Over

Get Your Unit Ready For The Next Tenant

No need to worry about getting that unit ready for the next tenant. Bona Construction Corp. can remodel, repair, and repaint your unit to get it in pristine condition for your next tenant.

Inquire about our unit turn over service by requesting a quote with our friendly representative today.

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What does it involve?

When you hire us for unit turn over our goal is to get your unit ready for the next tenant. That may involve painting, repairs, or remodeling. We will speak with you to know exactly what you want to get done so we can execute the work in the most time efficient cost effective manner.

How does it work?

First, we come to your residence or business to assess the size and needs of the property. We will make a list of all your necessities to create a detailed and favorable quote for you. If you're not sure what exactly you need to do, our specialists are experienced and can inform you on what needs to get done.

Let us take care of your property!

Call us at (617) 583-3544 or contact us for your free quote.
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